St. Andrew's Anglican Church
Anglican Residential Schools
The Anglican Church of Canada ran residential schools between 1820 and 1969.
Click here to find out more.
The TRC was formed in June 2008. It travelled around Canada to listen to the stories of residential school survivors, teachers, and staff.
In June 2015, the TRC released 94 Calls to Action. These are guiding principles to help Canadians live together peacefully.
Click here to read the 94 Calls to Action
Welcome to our parish website! Our church family is part of The Anglican Church of Canada. We are committed to our church's Five Marks of Mission and the ministry goals which our national church has set before us. These marks of mission and goals inspire and guide our parish to be the hands, face and voice of Jesus Christ in the community of Humboldt and area.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, one of us. We are called to witness to Christ's love in our homes, places of work and in the wider community. Our worship and communal life provide a space to pray, grow and learn,
to share fellowship, love and support.
Our national church has recently adopted a new Strategic Plan with Five transformational Aspirations as depicted in the colourful graphic here --->
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